function feats = customFeats(inSeg,inChans,pxSize) %CUSTOMFEATS can be customised to allow extraction of custom features from %your dataset in the feature extraction module. % % INPUTS: % -inSeg: Image containing the segmentation mask for the current % object % -inChans: Cell array containing the images of the cell in each % imaging channel % Note: Input segmentation and channel images have been cut from the % original (full) images based on the bounding box of the % segmentation. Absolute positions in the reference frame % therefore can't be extracted using this script (although % relative positions can be). % -pxSize: Physical size of pixels in the image, in dataset specific % dimensions. % % OUTPUTS: % -feats: Vector of extracted feature values. If inSeg and inChans % are empty, should return a vector of zeros of the same size as % the output feature vector if these inputs were not empty - this % is used to initialise storage in the feature extraction engine. % % Author: Oliver J. Meacock (c) 2020 %% Feature extraction code goes here. %Swap dimensions of feature vector (if needed) if size(feats,1) == 1 && size(feats,2) > 1 feats = feats'; end