
This is an old revision of the document!

If you find FAST useful, please include the following citation in any publications you produce using it:

If you email me, I will also add your paper to the 'list of publications using FAST' page in the sidebar. Might give you a minuscule bit of extra publicity for your work.

There is always more to be done. If you have written a function or script for processing tracks that you think could be useful for other people, one very useful contribution you could make is to send it to me so it can be added to the post-processing toolbox (please try to format your submission so it matches the other pages in the toolbox). However, I am always keen to hear other ideas people may have.

A good first port of call for further information is the Durham group website. You can also contact me directly at O.J.Meacock [at] sheffield.ac.uk.

  • extra/contact_information.1598470571.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/08/26 20:36
  • by pseudomoaner